Venue: Bourges/Viersen Rooms - Town Hall
Contact: Democratic Services, Email, Tel: 01733 747474
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest At this point Members must declare whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, or other interest, in any of the items on the agenda, unless it is already entered in the register of members’ interests or is a “pending notification “ that has been disclosed to the Solicitor to the Council.
Employment Committee Terms of Reference Additional documents: |
Exclusion of the Press and Public To resolve that the press and public may be excluded from the meeting on the following items:
Item 5, Appendix 1 EXEMPT Report
on the grounds that the items contain an exempt appendix which includes information under Paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, and that it would not be in the public interest for this information to be disclosed as it contains information relating to individuals or the possible identification of individuals as well as contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with a labour relations matter arising between the authority and employees or office holders of the authority.
The Recruitment of Deputy Chief Officer Post for IT & Digital Services Additional documents: