Title: Deputy Leader for Peterborough First
Party: Peterborough First
Ward: Werrington
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Political group: Peterborough First Group
The Peterborough First Independent Councillors do not hold a surgery, we believe your problem or query is too important to us to leave a month for a surgery.
We are only at the end of a phone or email and will respond as soon as we can, we are equally happy to arrange a face to face meeting with you should this be necessary.
Ring anytime on tel: 07540 358396 or 01733 810083, alternatively you can email john.fox@peterborough.gov.uk
Home address:
11 Church Close
Phone: 01733 810083
Mobile: 07540 358396
Email: john.fox@peterborough.gov.uk
Download Councillor John Fox contact details as VCard