The Cabinet Member:
1. Approved the award of grant funding for a two-year period, until 31 March 2024,to:
· Bharat Hindu Samaj Lunch Club
· Italian Community Centre Lunch Club
· South Grove Community Centre (formally known as FILEF Lunch Club)
The total value of the grant period is £26,744.00.
2. Approved the award of grant funding to AgeUKfor Orton Day Carefor a two-year period until 31 March 2024. The total value of this grant is £46,764.00.
The total value of this grant funding is £73,508.00.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2022
Decision due: December 2022 by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Public Health
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Public Health
Lead director: Executive Director People Services PCC & CCC
Department: People Services
Contact: Claire Cluer, Commissioning Manager (Day Opportunities Review) Email: Email:
Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee