Issue details

Academy Conversion of a maintained school – KEY/15AUG22/01

The purpose of this report is for Cabinet to consider delegating authority to authorise the conversion of a school to academy status.  

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significantly affecting two or more electoral wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: East;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/07/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Decision due: 17 Oct 2022 by Cabinet

Lead director: Executive Director People Services PCC & CCC

Department: People Services

Contact: Clare Buckingham, Strategic Education Place Planning Manager (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough) Email:

Consultation process

The target conversion date has been tentatively set by the DfE and school as 1 Sep 22. However, a DfE Kick off meeting has yet to take place. 

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Children and Education Scrutiny Committee


Agenda items


  • It is not anticipated that there will be any documents other than the report and relevant appendices to be published.