With the approval of the Chairman of the ScrutinyCommittee, urgency, special urgency procedure, and waiver of call-in procedure have been invoked to suspend the requirement to publish the decision on the Forward Plan, to suspend the requirement to publish the decision for five days and to waive the requirement for the decision to be subject to a three day call-in period. The contract that is being referred tocan be extended for two further twelve month periods until the 31st of May 2024 and does not require any further work from a procurement perspective, but a new CMDN is required to cover the term of the extension.
These procedures have been invoked in order to mitigate the impact of not extending the contract as this would mean that staff would not be able to access critical business systems.
Unfortunately, there was an oversight which meant this contract was not added to the forward plan. The overall strategy for how and where our infrastructure sits is currently being reviewed as part of our overall IT strategy and wewill ensure any future decisions go through the appropriate process.
The Leader:
1. Extended the 2021 contract for cloud-based services from Amazon Web Services UK Limited (AWS) by up to the two years agreed within the contract to a further value no greater than £1,000,000
2. Authorised the Corporate Director: Resources to vary this Contract if the Council has to amend its detailed business requirements,but subject to a maximum aggregate value (i.e. including the 2021 contract) of 150% of the approved value of the 2021 contract, being £1,460,000 (BPS).
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2022
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
With the approval of the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, urgency, special urgency procedure, and waiver of call-in procedure have been invoked to suspend the requirement to publish the decision on the Forward Plan, to suspend the requirement to publish the decision for five days and to waive the requirement for the decision to be subject to a three day call-in period. The contract that is being referred to can be extended for two further twelve month periods until the 31st of May 2024 and does not require any further work from a procurement perspective, but a new CMDN is required to cover the term of the extension.
These procedures have been invoked in order to mitigate the impact of not extending the contract as this would mean that staff would not be able to access critical business systems.
Unfortunately, there was an oversight which meant this contract was not added to the forward plan. The overall strategy for how and where our infrastructure sits is currentl
Decision due: 30 Jul 2022 by Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Adults Services and Public Health
Lead member: Councillor Wayne Fitzgerald, Deputy Mayor of Peterborough and Leader of the Conservative Group wayne.fitzgerald@peterborough.gov.uk
Lead director: Director Customer Service and Digital
Department: Corporate Services
Contact: Kevin Halls, IT Finance Contract Manager Email: kevin.halls@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Resources, And Communities Scrutiny Committee