Issue details

Disposal of land at A1/A605 – KEY/1AUG22/01

Newlands development have proposed a development within HDC. However, to enable a larger development, the developer requires an area of CRA land, within PCC ownership, to be enhanced and enable planning permission. The land is therefore a ransom strip and a figure has been negotiated with the developer.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: Orton Waterville;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Decision due: 16 Jan 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Marco Cereste, Mayor of Peterborough

Lead director: Executive Director People Services PCC & CCC

Department: Place and Economy

Contact: Christine Addison, Interim Head of Property.

Consultation process

Consultation has been carried out with the Interim Head of Property, external valuers 

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee