Issue details

Article 4 Direction - KEY/28MAR2022/01

To agree to formulate an Article 4 Direction for public consultation that requires property owners in Bretton, Fletton & Woodston, Hargate & Hempstead, Hampton Vale, Park, North and Central wards, to obtain planning permission when converting single homes or residential properties into HMOs, alongside relevant planning policies to support this.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/02/2022

Decision due: 13 Feb 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Steve Allen, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group

Lead director: Executive Director Place and Economy

Contact: Jim Newton, Assisstant Director Planning.

Consultation process

Formal public consultation within relevant wards

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Resources and Communities Scrutiny Committee


Agenda items


  • It is not anticipated that there will be any documents other than the report and relevant appendices to be published.