Issue details

Workforce Recruitment and Retention Grant Funding – KEY/01FEB22/01

The Cabinet Member:


1.    Approved the allocation of the Workforce Recruitment and Retention Fund (Round 2) issued by central government, equating to £992,077, to cover the following areas:


·         Costs associated with retention and recruitment of capacity to support frontline social care workforce provision within Peterborough City Council

·         To passport funding to all CQC registered independent sector providers operating within the communities on a per/staffing basis for use in line with grant conditions.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2022

Decision due: Not before 24th Feb 2022 by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Public Health

Lead director: Corporate Director People and Communities

Department: People Services

Contact: Shauna Torrance, Head of Adult Social Care Commissioning Email:

Consultation process

Local Care Associations, Public Health and other internal teams.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee

