The Cabinet Member:
1. Approved a change to the dimming regime for residential lights to introduce a 40% dim between 00:00 and 05:00.
2. Approved a change to the times at which dimming is introduced following a study of traffic flow data on traffic routes.
3. Approved a change to the times at which dimming is introduced following a study of traffic flow data in residential areas.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significantly affecting two or more electoral wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/07/2021
Decision due: Not before 26th Aug 2021 by Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Lead director: Executive Director Place and Economy
Department: Place and Economy
Contact: Amy Petrie, Principal Programme and Project Officer, 01733 452272, Email:
Consultation process
To be determined
Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth. Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee