Issue details

Culture Strategy - KEY/2AUG21/01

To adopt the City's Culture Strategy - A culture board, steering group and smaller delivery groups will be set up to represent stakeholders from a variety of culture groups to scrutinise the actions and delivery from the strategy, its recommendations, visions and values and consultation processes.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significantly affecting two or more electoral wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2021

Decision due: September 2021 by Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, Culture and Communities

Lead member: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, Culture and Communities

Lead director: Executive Director People Services PCC & CCC

Department: People Services

Contact: Jamie Fenton, Culture and Leisure Development Manager Email:; Tel: 07976382756.

Consultation process

Consultation has been taking place for the past 6 months within the city, speaking with many cultural groups, faith groups, commercial organisations, culture and leisure operators, disability groups and voluntary groups.


Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Communities Scrutiny Committee


Agenda items


  • Currently the documents are the visions and values paper and the emerging recommendations paper the consultant has produced, these will be shared with scrutiny on 05th July for an update to progress