The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and the University, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste, Street Scene and the Environment:
1. Approved the release of capital funding from the capital programme to purchase 5 x coaches for the delivery of Passenger Transport services.
2. Awarded a contract for the purchase of 5 coaches to Dawson’s Rental for the sum of £721,250.00.
3. Authorised the Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Director of Resources and relevant Service Director to make decisions and enter into legal agreements necessary to give effect to these arrangements including the termination of existing hire agreements, the purchase of the coaches and the amendment of the Operational Services Agreement to include change to the hire terms, cost structure and vehicle schedules.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/03/2021
Decision due: Not before 27th Oct 2021 by Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and the University
Lead member: Councillor Nigel Simons
Lead director: Executive Director Place and Economy
Department: Place and Economy
Contact: James Collingridge, Head of Environmental Partnerships Tel: 01733864736; Email: Tel: 01733 864736.
Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee