Issue details

Approval in principle to pursue a Compulsory Purchase Order to facilitate the regeneration of North Westgate

The Cabinet Member agreed:


In principle to make a Compulsory Purchase Order ( “CPO”) under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) for the acquisition of the land and interests within the area shown edged in red on the plan ( including the potential re-location sites shown Blue and Orange ) attached to this report for the purpose of enabling the carrying out of a scheme ( the “Scheme”) of development, redevelopment and improvement of part of the Peterborough City Centre ( the Property”) being satisfied that (i) the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of the development, redevelopment or improvement on or in relation to the land, and (ii) the development, redevelopment or improvement is likely to contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Peterborough City Centre, and acquisition of any new rights pursuant to Section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous) Provisions Act 1976 as may be required, for example for access and construction purposes. 


To authorise the Executive Director Place & Economy to take all necessary steps as considered appropriate to secure the making of the CPO including but not limited to; issuing notices pursuant to section 16 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (Section 16 notices), engaging, consulting and negotiating with landowners and preparation of documentation and undertaking all matters that the Council might need to undertake to inform a further report to Cabinet to resolve to make, the CPO if required. 


To authorise the Executive Director Place & Economy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Commercial Strategy and Investment to approve the acquisition of legal interests by agreement including for the purposes of resolving any objections to the CPO.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Central;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2020

Decision due: 9 Aug 2020 by Leader of the Council and Deputy Mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Lead member: Leader of the Council and Deputy Mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Lead director: Executive Director Place and Economy

Department: Place and Economy

Contact: Dave Anderson, Interim Development Director Dave Anderson, Interim Development Director, 01733 452468, Email:

Consultation process

Relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Direct contact will be made with the affected landowners.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee
