The above property is being purchased for its
strategic position in the city centre (which is important for
future redevelopment) and will in the short term provide rental
income to PCC.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Abandoned
Wards affected: Central;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/03/2019
Decision due: September 2019 by Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Governance
Lead member: Councillor David Seaton, Cabinet Member for Finance
Lead director: Executive Director Place and Economy
Department: Place and Economy
Contact: Tristram Hill, Strategic Asset Manager Tristram Hill, Strategic Asset Manager, NPS, email: tel: 07849 079787
Consultation process
Relevant internal and external
NPS are acting for PCC in the acquisition of this commercial
property. All the relevant internal stakeholders for example in
democratic services, legal, finance and property will be consulted
in this process.
Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee