Issue details

Discretionary Rate Relief

The Cabinet Member:


1.    Approved the Local Discretionary Rate Relief scheme for 2018-19 as set out in Appendix A;


2.    Instructed officers to ensure that the reliefs for the three government initiatives (LDRR, public houses, small businesses) are processed in accordance with the agreed schemes for the qualifying properties and rebilling takes place at the earliest opportunity;


3.    Instructed officers to process the reliefs for future years for small businesses and public houses (if further extended by the government) at an appropriate time in accordance with the relevant qualifying criteria;


4.    Approved the award of Discretionary Rate Relief for charities and similar organisations shown on the attached schedule at Appendix B to 31 March 2019;


5.    Rejected the applications for the award of Discretionary Rate Relief for charities and similar organisations shown on the attached schedule at Appendix C.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/07/2018

Decision due: 2 Sep 2018 by Cabinet Member for Resources

Contact: Bruce Bainbridge, Finance Manager Tel: 01733 384583, Email:

Consultation process

No other consultation required.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee
