Issue details

Disposal of freehold in North West of the City - FEB18/CMDN/110

The Cabinet Member’s approval has been obtained to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Growth and Regeneration to sell the property.


With the approval of the Chairman of the Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee Special Urgency and waiver of call-in procedures have been invoked to suspend the requirement to publish the decision for 5 days prior to publication, and to suspend the 3 day call-in period.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Ravensthorpe;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/11/2017

Reason for urgency:
With the approval of the Chairman of the Growth, Environment and Resources Scrutiny Committee Special Urgency and waiver of call-in procedures have been invoked to suspend the requirement to publish the decision for 5 days prior to publication, and to suspend the 3 day call-in period.

This is because the disposal is commercially sensitive and the Council needs to use the urgency provisions to enable it to contract as the vendor unconditionally to reduce the risk of the purchaser withdrawing. The call-in provisions leave the Council exposed when it wishes the purchaser to be contractually bound.

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The attached appendices are NOT FOR PUBLICATION in accordance with paragraph (s) 3 of Schedule 12A of Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 in that it contains commercially sensitive information. The public interest test has been applied to the information contained within the exempt annex and it is considered that the need to retain the information as exempt outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.

Decision due: February 2018 by Cabinet Member for Resources

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources

Lead director: Executive Director Place and Economy

Department: Place and Economy

Contact: Jane McDaid, Head of Peterborough Property Services Email: Email:

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Growth, Environment and Resources
