Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED (unanimous) to recommend that Council:
1. Approves the Proposed Submission (‘Publication Draft’) Local Plan as attached at Appendix A, for the purpose of both its final consultation for six weeks (likely during January and February 2018); AND its subsequent submission to the Secretary of State for the purpose of independent examination.
2. Approves the Policies Map (including associated inset maps) as set out as part of the agenda papers, for the purpose of consultation alongside the Local Plan consultation AND for subsequent submission to the Secretary of State for consideration alongside the examination of the Local Plan.
3. Delegates to the Head of Sustainable Growth Strategy any presentational improvements or other inconsequential changes (eg correcting typographical errors or factual inaccuracies) to the Publication Draft Plan or Policies Map that (taken together) do not materially affect the policies set out in the Local Plan prior to the consultation commencing.
4. Delegates to the Head of Sustainable Growth Strategy the ability to agree and consult upon a set of proposed modifications during the examination process (most likely at the very end of the examination process), if asked by the Inspector to do so.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/09/2017
Decision due: 20 Nov 2017 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Growth, Planning, Housing and Economic Development
Lead director: Executive Director Place and Economy
Contact: Richard Kay, Head of Sustainable Growth Strategy Tel: 01733 863795; Email: Tel: 01733 863795.