Issue details

St George's (Heltwate) remodelling - KEY/26JUNE17/02

The Cabinet Member, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources:


  1. Authorised the refurbishment and remodelling of part of the existing buildings known as St George’s located at Lawn Avenue to accommodate Heltwate Key Stage 4 children, up to the value of the budget sum of £2m. This sum shall include the anticipated design and build contract costs and funding for Information and Communications Technology (ICT), all site surveys and project management and technical advisers fees.
  2. Authorised the Executive Director, People and Communities Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Councils in consultation with the Interim Corporate Director: Resources, Legal services to award the contract for the construction works to the successful contractor from Lot 2 of the Peterborough City Council Construction Framework following the mini competition process.
  3. Authorised the Interim Director for Law and Governance or delegated officers to enter into any other legal documentation on behalf of the Council in relation to this matter.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Park;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/05/2017

Decision due: Not before 3rd Nov 2017 by Cabinet Member for Education Skills and University

Lead member: Councillor Lynne Ayres

Lead director: Executive Director People Services PCC & CCC

Department: People Services

Contact: Sharon Bishop, Capital Projects and Assets Officer Email: Tel: 01733 863997.

Consultation process

Relevant internal and external stakeholders.


Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Children and Education Scrutiny Committee

