Issue details

Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service - KEY/01MAY17/08

The Cabinet Member:


1.      Awarded a contract for the delivery of Emotional Wellbeing/Mental Health Services for Children & Young People in Peterborough & Cambridgeshire for a total value of £2,221,956 from 1 January 2018 until 1 January 2021 and a further option for the Council to extend for two 12 month periods.


2.      Authorised the Corporate Director of People & Communities to extend the contract for a further two 12 month periods at a cost of up to £740,652 per annum, should the Council exercise the option to extend.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significantly affecting two or more electoral wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/03/2017

Decision due: Not before 3rd Aug 2017 by Cabinet Member for Children's Services

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Public Health

Lead director: Corporate Director People and Communities

Department: People Services

Contact: Jo Melvin, Commissioner Email: Email: Tel: 01733 863980.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Children & Education Scrutiny Committee

