Issue details

Savings and Investment: Children's Social Care - KEY/08FEB16/01

Cabinet considered the report and taking into account the financial implications arising, RESOLVED to agree the Transformation Plan for Children’s Social care, in order to improve practice and outcomes.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/01/2016

Decision due: 8 Feb 2016 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Andy Coles

Lead director: Corporate Director People and Communities

Department: People Services

Contact: Lou Williams, Service Director: Children's & Safeguarding Cambridgehire County Council & Peterborough City Council Email: Tel: 01733 864139 Email: Tel: 01733 864139.

Consultation process

Relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Creating Opportunities and Tackling Inequalities

Meeting Open to Public: n/a


Agenda items


  • It is not anticipated that there will be any documents other than the report and relevant appendices to be published.