Issue details

Budget Proposals Second Tranche Recommendation

Cabinet received a report as part of the Council’s formal budget process as set out within the Constitution and as per legislative requirements to set a balanced budget for 2016/17.


The purpose of the report was to consider budget for proposals for recommendation to Council on 9 March 2016.


The Cabinet noted:

1. The advice of the Chief Finance Officer per Schedule A, the continuing uncertainty of national public finances, and the risks surrounding forecasts and budget proposals.

2. The outcome of the Final Local Government Finance Settlement as outlined within the report and Schedule A.

3. The updates to the budget since 8th February 2016 as detailed within the report and Schedule A.

4. The feedback to date on the budget proposals from residents, staff and community groups as detailed within Schedule H.


           *The Cabinet approved:


5. The Schools budgets as set out within Schedule A, part 10.

6. The Street Lighting Business Case as set out within Schedule E (i), including the works to be delivered by Skanska.


That Cabinet approved and recommended to Council:


7. The draft Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016/17 – 2025/26 (including Phase 2 budget proposals and subsequent adjustments) as set out within the Schedules attached to the report which comprised of:


a. Report of the Chief Finance Officer

i. Adult Social Care Precept Briefing

b. Forecast Revenue Outturn 2015/16

c. Budget Proposals, Key Figures & Cash Limits

d. Treasury Strategy, Prudential Code & Minimum Revenue Provision

e. Capital Strategy, Programme & Disposal 2016/17 – 2025/26

f. Asset Management Plan


8. The Fees & Charges proposals as detailed within Schedule C, part  13.

9. A general Council Tax rise of 1.99% for 2016/17, with indicative increases of 1.99% for future years for planning purposes.

10. A Social Care precept of 2.00% for 2016/17.


·         Only items 5 & 6 are subject to call-in.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/10/2015

Decision due: 29 Feb 2016 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources

Lead director: Executive Director Corporate Services

Department: Corporate Services

Contact: Steven Pilsworth, Service Director Financial Services Email:; Tel: 01733 384564 Email: Tel: 01733 384564.

Consultation process

Relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital

Meeting Open to Public: N/A


Agenda items


  • It is not anticipated that there will be any documents other than the report and relevant appendices to be published.