Cabinet received a report as part of the Council’s agreed two-stage budget process as outlined in a report considered by Cabinet on 25 November 2015.
The purpose of the report was to enable Cabinet to consider the feedback from the consultation undertaken to date with Scrutiny, residents, partner organisations, businesses and other interested parties and to recommend to Council approval of phase one budget proposals.
Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED:
1. To have regard to the consultation feedback received to date and statutory advice detailed in the report when determining the phase one budget proposals, noting that consultation remains open and an addendum will be provided prior to the Cabinet meeting and to the Council meeting.
2. To recommend to Council on the 17 December 2015, having had regard to feedback,
a) Approval of phase one budget proposals, summarised in appendices one and two, to enable implementation of these budget proposals to commence;
3. To note the timetable for the phase two consultation and formal approval of the 2016/17 to 2025/26 Medium Term Financial Strategy as detailed at section 5. Furthermore, budget proposals approved by Council on the 17 December will form part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy but will not form part of the second stage of consultation or Council debate on 9 March 2016.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/10/2015
Decision due: 7 Dec 2015 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources
Lead director: Executive Director Corporate Services
Department: Corporate Services
Contact: Steven Pilsworth, Service Director Financial Services Email:; Tel: 01733 384564 Email: Tel: 01733 384564.
Consultation process
Relevant internal and external stakeholders.
Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital
Meeting Open to Public: N/A