Issue details

Changes to the Parks, Trees and Open Spaces Service within the Amey Contract Following the 2015/16 Budget - KEY/26JUN15/03

The Cabinet Member:


a)    Confirmed that grass cutting will move from the regime detailed in the CMDN MAR15/CMDN/29 decision taken on 25 March 2015 and titled Parks, Trees and Open Space budget reductions, to an alternative regime as set out in this report. This will result in areas subject to recent investigation, namely Sugar Way, Werrington, Gunthorpe, Hampton, Stanground, Central ward, Park Farm, Orton Goldhay and Paston, moving on to the 8 cut cycle. All other sites will now be reviewed to determine the appropriate number of cuts ready for 2016. This will exclude the 7 sites already designated as biodiversity areas where grass will only be cut once a year.


b)    Agreed that where further complaints are received from residents with regards to the grass cutting schedules, and it is causing significant concern, an officer will visit the individual sites. They will ascertain if the concerns raised are valid and what the correct grass cutting regime should be. Each area will be dealt with by exception and will take into account both the impact on residents and the environmental benefits. Each complaint will be subject to investigation to make sure it is a valid complaint before any alterations are made.  Any cost incurred as a result of any change will be included within the £24,000 as per Annex 1.0.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/05/2015

Decision due: Not before 8th Jul 2015 by Cabinet Member for Waste and Street Scene

Lead member: Councillor Gavin Elsey

Lead director: Executive Director Corporate Services

Department: Corporate Services

Contact: James Collingridge, Head of Environmental Partnerships Email:; Tel: 01733 864736 Email: Tel: 01733 864736.

Consultation process

Relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital

Meeting Open to Public: n/a

