Cabinet received a report following a recommendation from the Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital Scrutiny Committee call-in meeting, held on 12 March 2014.
The call in was reported to Cabinet and an agreement was reached for a Working Group to be set up to review the projects.
The purpose of the report was to inform Cabinet of the findings and recommendations arising from the Solar and Wind Energy Working Group, and the subsequent meeting of the Review Group as chaired by Councillor Thulbourn, to enable a final decision to be made on the projects.
Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:
Defer any decision to progress the solar and wind projects until further consideration is given to the impact of:
i. Any delay arising from the call-in by the Secretary of State of a planning decision, in terms of costs and profitability of the projects;
ii. A 30% reduction in subsidy (of a professional assessment of what might be a reasonable level of reduction in subsidy) for the projects; and
iii. A slowing or reducing sale rate of energy with a professional assessment of what a reasonable rate could be.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/09/2014
Decision due: 22 Oct 2014 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources
Lead director: Executive Director Corporate Services
Contact: Michael Rowan, Interim Head of Legal Services Email:; Tel: 01733 452572 Email: