Issue details

The Future Direction of Children's Centres Delivery - KEY/15NOV13/02

Cabinet received a report which brought a revised set of proposals, for Cabinet’s approval, on how children’s centres services would be run in future. The report:


·           Updated and informed Cabinet on the outcomes of the consultation on proposed changes to the way early years services were run in Peterborough including children’s centres;


·          Sought Cabinet’s approval on the creation of four children’s centre hubs that would be located in the City’s highest areas of deprivation and would work with families in the greatest need across the city;


·         Sought Cabinet’s approval for the creation of three ‘outreach’ centres that would support the work of the children’s centre hubs;


·         Asked Cabinet to approve a reduction in the original savings proposed from £1.28 million to £1.18 million to enable £100,000 to be spent on developing alternative ways to support families such as; helping to set up parent support groups, maintaining a weekly facilitated parent and baby session in communities and providing support to mothers around post natal depression, where it was identified that centres will be re-designated.


Cabinet considered the report and recommendations and RESOLVED that:


1(a) The modified proposals for the delivery of the Children's Centres as set out in the report be approved; and


1(b) The budget to be recommended to Council for the 2014/15 financial year be amended accordingly to reflect the savings arising from the redesigned children's centres.


2.      Subject to Council approving the Budget, inclusive of the recommended budget in relation to the future delivery of the Children's Centres, the Director for Communities be authorised to:


(a)   create four children’s centre hubs, three outreach hubs and re-designation of the other eight children’s centres as set out in the report;


(b)   vary or terminate the contracts with Barnardo’s and Spurgeons to deliver the redesigned centres; and


(c)   develop alternative ways to support families in areas where children’s centres are proposed to be de-designated.



Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significantly affecting two or more electoral wards;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/10/2013

Decision due: 3 Feb 2014 by Cabinet

- Meeting will be open to the public

Lead director: Executive Director - Children's Services

Department: Children and Young People's Service

Contact: Pam Setterfield, Head of Early Years and Childcare Email: Tel: 01733 863897.

Consultation process

Legal Services, Human Resources and other internal and external stakeholders.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Creating Opportunities and Tackling Inequalities

Meeting Open to Public: Yes


Agenda items


  • Consultation Document