Issue details

Materials Recycling Facility contract - KEY/20SEP13/02

The Cabinet Member:


1. Agreed that the Council is committed to the procurement and appointment of a Contractor to deliver Joint MRF services for bulking, sorting and onward processing/sale of recyclable materials for all participating RECAP partners, unless all partners agree not to appoint.


2. Approved on behalf of the Council the ‘RECAP Partnership Charter’, as attached at Appendix 1, including approval of the additional Schedule 2 Governance Agreement relating to the operation of the Joint MRF contract, commitment to participation in and commitment of recyclate materials into the joint contract.


3. Authorised John Harrison, Executive Director Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Waste management (as appropriate) to approve the procurement process to secure a suitable Contractor and on its conclusion to make the decision  to award the Contract.


4. Agreed that Peterborough City Council will nominate a preferred supplier in collaboration with the participating partners, for the provision of the services of bulking, sorting and onward processing/sale of recyclable materials contract, on behalf on both Peterborough City Council and the RECAP participating partners.


5. Noted and agreed the approach to the Waste Framework Directive compliance regarding source separation of recyclate, as agreed by the RECAP Board on 4th September 2013 and as attached at Appendix 2.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings greater than £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: East;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/08/2013

Decision due: Not before 28th Nov 2013 by Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Waste Management

Lead member: Councillor Gavin Elsey

Lead director: Executive Director Corporate Services

Department: Corporate Services

Contact: Richard Pearn, Head of Waste, Resources and Energy Email: Tel: 01733 864739.

Consultation process

Relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital

Meeting Open to Public: N/A

