undefined Register of interests guidance note

Register of interests guidance note

Privacy Notice

As a Councillor/ Board Member you are the holder of public office and there is information we hold about you which we share with the public and publish on our website.  This information can be processed by Peterborough City Council (PCC) for any purpose relating to your role as a councillor.  This information includes:

·         your image (for your security, personal ID and publication on the website),

·         name, address, date of birth (if supplied) and contact details,

·         register of interests, which will include any occupation ,

·         your election record, including any political group to which you belong,

·         the committees on which you serve and outside bodies to which you may be appointed,

·         your attendance at meetings,

·         audio recordings made by the Council at meetings,

·         the allowances and expenses you receive,

·         the training you receive,

·         gifts and hospitality you receive and

·         any complaints about your conduct which the Audit Sub- Committee decides to make public.

Much of this information has to be published by law, but not all of it has to be placed on the PCC website and if you would like some of the above information to be withheld from publication please discuss this with the Democratic and Constitutional Services Manager.

Some non-sensitive information will be maintained indefinitely and become part of the permanent and historical public records of Peterborough City Council that may be accessed by the public.

In addition, the Council will hold other information about you which will be processed for the purposes of administering your role as a councillor and improving service.  This information will be held securely in accordance with the Council’s data management policies and will only be accessible to relevant staff or disclosed to others in accordance with those policies or as required by law. 

The Council has a duty to protect public funds and may use and disclose this information to prevent and detect crime. Information used in such circumstances may include:

·         your bank details (if you claim allowances or receive a Basic or Special Responsibility Allowance),

·         your date of birth, tax and NI (if applicable),

·         marital status/next of kin (if supplied),

·         details of any vehicle you use for council business (if you claim business mileage or park in Council car parks),

·         telephone numbers and email address (if you supply these and do not want us to publish them),

·         any complaints which have not been made public,

·         private communications with the Council and

·         the result of your DBS check.

In addition the following information will be processed with your consent.

·         Relevant experiences e.g. professional, business or community roles.

·         Division, Council and Political priorities.

·         Interests

·         Skills

·         Knowledge

·         Training History

This information will be held securely until you cease to be a City Councillor and will be destroyed in accordance with the Council’s Retention Policy unless retained for permanent preservation (as above).

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you have a number of rights which include finding out what personal information we hold about you, requesting us to change or correct any data we hold on you or requesting we delete your personal information (although this would mean we would not be able to provide you with further services). You may also express any concerns with how we use your personal data. For more information please refer to our online guidance or speak to the Democratic and Constitutional Services Manager.

Please note that the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to the Council.  Accordingly we may be required to release information about you if we are required to do so under this Act.  We would consult you before releasing any significant information about you.


If you wish to discuss this privacy notice please speak to the Democratic and Constitutional Services Manager, or email philipa.turvey@peterborough.gov.ukor democratic.services@peterborough.gov.uk  or write to us at:

Democratic Services

Peterborough City Council

Town Hall

Bridge Street
