ePetition details

Lack of public engagement and consultation on LTP4

We the undersigned petition the council to 1) Halt plans for pedestrian crossings at Junction 18 / Rhubarb Bridge. Relook at, and be open about, the negative impact of current proposals. Put plans on hold while you seek funding for a replacement pedestrian and cycle bridge. 2) Re-run public engagement and consultation around the Local Transport Plan 4. We don't feel adequate public consultation took place prior to the adoption of this plan. As part of this, provide detailed, costed options for Junction 18 / Rhubarb Bridge and consult people on the alternatives. 3) Debate both these things at a Full Council meeting as soon as possible. Hold a public meeting in 2017 on these issues for the public to share their thoughts with officers and councillors.

The proposals for Rhubarb Bridge will have severe negative impacts on residents – halt the current plans for pedestrian crossings:

- Carry out an air quality impact assessment and publish the results online.

- Relook at the equality impact assessment - we don’t believe it presents a true and honest assessment of the impacts. For example, you currently say the plans will have ‘no negative impact’ on any user – but air pollution is worse at ground level and you’re bringing people into direct conflict with cars – so it’s inconceivable that there will be no impact. Ask an independent organisation to complete the equality impact assessment, in consultation with residents.

- Set out in writing, and publish online, your commitment to find funding for a replacement bridge.

- Hold a meeting with the Combined Mayor for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to discuss the plans for Junction 18.

We don’t believe the public consultation prior to the adoption of LTP4 was anywhere near adequate considering the major changes and detrimental impacts on residents within the plan:

- The Local Government and Public Involvement Health Act 2007 requires local authorities and passenger transport authorities to involve citizens in local decision making and service provision, to ensure local representatives are given genuine opportunities to influence decisions and delivery.

- Efforts to engage with the public around this plan were minimal (described by one council officer as ‘light’) particularly efforts to consult with hard-to-reach groups. One example of the lack of accessibility of LTP4 is that the commonly understood local name for the bridge at Junction 18 (Rhubarb Bridge) isn’t even mentioned in the plan, making it very hard for the public to understand the proposals.

- There is also a mismatch between the user hierarchy set out in LTP4 (i.e. pedestrians and cyclists, then cars), and the proposals set out for Junction 18 which prioritises cars. Currently the system at Junction 18 is equitable for all users – we want to maintain this status quo.

- We'd like you to acknowledge that previous consultation was not adequate, and undertake six weeks of public consultation as soon as possible, to allow people to engage and consult on proposals across the city. This should include costed options for alternatives at Junction 18, with justification of costs, contingencies and multiple quotes.

- The consultation should include a roadshow of events around the city. All public feedback should be listened to, and every comment received should be published online along with the Council's response to each one.

- The plan should also go through the Full Council and relevant Scrutiny Committee/s.

This ePetition ran from 02/09/2017 to 21/09/2017 and has now finished.

596 people signed this ePetition.