
Decisions published

25/09/2024 - Cuckoos Hollow Bridges - SEP24/CMDN/42 ref: 2314    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport

Decision published: 25/09/2024

Effective from: 01/10/2024


The Cabinet Member authorised the works order relating to the construction of Cuckoos Hollow Bridge to Milestone Infrastructure Limited up to a value of £600,000 under the Council’s existing Highway Services Contract. 


The full report can be found at the bottom of this page.

Wards affected: Gunthorpe; Werrington;

Lead officer: Amy Petrie

19/09/2024 - Grant Award for Older People’s Day Opportunities - SEPT24/CMDN/41 ref: 2313    Recommendations Approved

The Cabinet Member:  


1.    Approved the award of grant agreements to four grant recipients that shall support the delivery of older people’s day opportunities for the period 01/08/24-31/03/26 (with optional extensions of 1+1+1+1 years at the discretion of the Executive Director).  The grant recipients are: 


Happy Kids and Seniors Fitness Club - £3,044?per annum 

Westraven Community Café and Garden?- £3,588?per annum 

Good Neighbours – Rural Peterborough?- £4,000?per annum 

Bharat Hindu Samaj Peterborough??- £3,408 per annum 


If all extension options are taken, the total value across all grants is £85,315 over six years. 


2.    Authorised delegated approval to the Executive Director Adult Social Care & Commissioning to extend the grant agreements for up to four optional extension periods each of 1 year in accordance with the provisions in the grant agreement. 


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adults and Health

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Millfield, New England, Eastfield and Embankment Public Spaces Protection Order – SEPT24/CMDN/40 ref: 2306    Recommendations Approved

The Cabinet Member:  


  1. Authorised the extension of the Millfield, New England, Eastfield & Embankment Public Spaces Protection Order covering the area as shown in the plan included at Appendix 2 for a further 3 years until October 2027. 


  1. Delegated authority to the Executive Director Place and Economy and Director of Legal & Governance and Monitoring Officer to take all necessary steps to implement the decision in recommendation 1. 


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

Wards affected: Central; East; North; Park;

Lead officer: Laura Kelsey