Register of interests

Councillor Nick Thulbourn

The Localism Act 2011 requires you to declare your interests on this form. The interests are recorded in a register which is maintained by the Monitoring Officer and will be published on the Council’s website. If you are in any doubt about what you have to register please contact Member Services or refer to the accompanying guide.

Name: Councillor Nick Thulbourn ; Member of: Peterborough City Council


Please complete each section for you and your partner. If the section is not applicable to yourself or your partner please write N/A or none; please do not leave the section blank. Please note that ‘partner’ means your spouse or civil partner or someone with whom you are living as if you were spouses or civil partners. For the purposes of the register, an interest of your partner is classed as your disclosable pecuniary interest. The Council’s website will not name your partner and all disclosable pecuniary interests including those that relate to your partner will be shown on the website as your interests.

1. ANY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE TRADE PROFESSION OR VOCATION CARRIED OUT BY YOU OR YOUR PARTNER FOR PROFIT OR GAIN. (Please provide details of any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried out by you or your partner for which you receive payment. This will include any paid appointments, such as a directorship, any trade or business you undertake (to include self-employment) and any membership of public bodies and other councils if you are entitled to an allowance (but not if you just get out of pocket expenses))
You and Your Partner's Interest
NM Creations Ltd, Unit 4 Wareley Road, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9PF
Thomas Deacon Education Trust, Queens Gardens, Peterborough, PE1 2UW
2. SPONSORSHIP (Please provide details of anyone who has paid anything towards your most recent election expenses or anyone – apart from PCC – who has paid any expenses towards your role as a member of PCC within the last 12 months including any payments or financial benefits from a trade union).
Your and Your Partner's Interests
3. CONTRACTS (Please provide details of any contract for the provision of goods or services which is made between you, your partner or a body in which you or your partner have a beneficial interest, such as an employer, and Peterborough City Council or another organisation contracted to carry out business on the Council’s behalf: a) under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be carried out; and b) which has not been fully completed.)
You and Your Partner's Interests
4. LAND (Please provide details of any land within the Peterborough City Council area which you or your partner own or rent or in which you have a beneficial interest. Please include the address or location of that land. This includes the house in which you live.)
You and Your Partner's Interests
7 Norham Court, Peterborough, PE2 8JX
Unit 4 Wareley Road, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9PF
5. LICENSES (Please provide details of any licence or permission held (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land within the Peterborough City Council area for a month or longer.)
You and Your Partner's Interests
6. CORPORATE TENANCIES Please provide details of any tenancy where to your knowledge the landlord is Peterborough City Council and the tenant is any of the following: a) A Company in which you or your partner own any shares b) A Company or othere corporate body in which you or your partner are a Director c) A firm of which you or your partner is a Partner)
You and Your Partner's Interests
7. SHARES AND SECURITIES Please provide details of any beneficial interest of you or your partner in securities* of a body where, that body, to your knowledge, has a place of business or land within the Peterborough City Council area and either: 1. The total nominal value** of the securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total issued share capital of that body or 2. If the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total issued share capital of that class. *securities means shares, debentures, debenture stock, loan stock, bonds, units of a collective incvestment shceme and other securities of any description, other than money deposited with a building society. ** nominal value is the amount indicated on the share certificate etc. not the market value.)
You and Your Partner's Interests
NM Creations Ltd, Unit 4 Wareley Road, Woodston Peterborough, PE2 9PF


Use this section to declare anything which is not a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest but which might be affected by Council business. The Members’ Code of Conduct requires that this section is completed by all Peterborough City Council (PCC) members and all co-opted members. These declarations will be published on the PCC website together with Members’ pecuniary disclosable interests. Parish Councillors (who are not co-opted members) are not obliged to declare their non-pecuniary interests but may wish to do so.

8. MEMBERSHIPS AND MANAGEMENT POSITIONS (Please use this section to document: a) any body of which you are either a member or in which you hold a position of general control or management, and to which you have been appointed or nominated by the Council as its representative or b) any organisation of which you are either a member or in which you hold a position of general control or management which 1) exercises functions of a public nature 2) is directed to charitable purposes 3) whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union) You do not need to include anything listed in question 1. Include any membership of a public body if you are not entitled to receive an allowance.)
You and Your Partner's Interests
South Grove Community Association (Charity Trustee)

FAMILY INTERESTS (Your should declare at meetings any interests of a family member which might be affected by the buniness under discussion.

GIFTS & HOSPITALITY (Notification of gifts and hospitality of estimated value of £100 and above must be given within 28 days of receipt and declared on a separate gifts and hospitality form which can be obtained from Member's Services.)