Issue - decisions

Regional Fitness and Swimming Centre Building - KEY/12FEB24/02

12/03/2024 - Regional Fitness and Swimming Centre, Bishops Road MAR24/CAB/93

The Cabinet:


1. Authorised the council to decommission the Regional Fitness and Swimming Centre, following consideration of the financial and commercial findings contained in this report.


2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Executive Director of Place and Economy, and the Cabinet member for Corporate Governance and Finance, to award the contract for the demolition works, up to a value of £2.5 million, in compliance with procurement regulations and subject to approval by legal services, procurement and finance regulations.


3. Approved in principle to the development of a new leisure facility, and to the development of the outline business case / next steps timeline as summarised in paragraphs 4.5.3 and 4.5.4 which will be approved by Cabinet at a later date.


4. Noted the interim arrangements as set out in this report at paragraph 4.6.1.


The report presented to Cabinet can be found at the bottom of this page.