Issue - decisions

Procurement of Multi Disciplinary Design Team for Vine Project – KEY/15JAN24/02

22/03/2024 - Procurement of Multi Disciplinary Design Team for Vine Project – MAR24/CAB/101

It is recommended that Cabinet approved:


1. The award of a contract to Pick Everard Limited for the provision of Multi-Disciplinary Design Team (MDDT) Services over RIBA Stages 1-6 for the Vine in Central Library - at a total contract value of £495,995.51 for the period 22 April 2024 to 16 March 2027 (the period 17th March 2026 when the Vine facility becomes operational to 16th March 2027 covers the RIBA Stage 6 construction defects liability period).


 2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Place and Economy to take all necessary steps to implement the decision in recommendation 1 including the entering into any of any necessary legal agreements.


The report presented to Cabinet can be found at the bottom of this page.