Issue - decisions

Supply of Temporary Agency Resource to the Council

18/09/2023 - Supply of Temporary Agency Resource to the Council* - SEP23/CAB/38

Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to: 


  1. Approve the award of a contract to OPUS People Solutions via ESPO MSTAR4 Lot1b Master Vendorfor the provision of all social care temporary resources for a period of three years with an option to extend for a period of one year. The estimated value of the contract is £4m per year. 


  1. Approve the award of contracts via the ESPO 3S_22 framework to the suppliers listed below for the provision of all temporary resources that are non-social care for a period of four years including an option to break at year three and the estimated total value of the contracts is £3m per year.  


· Eden Brown  

· Tile Hill  

· Capita  

· Morgan Hunt  

· Hays  

· Reed  

· Sellick Partnership  

· Penna PLC  

· Liquid  

· Blue Arrow  

· OPUS People Solutions  


  1. Delegate authority to the Executive Director Corporate Services and Section 151 Officer to award non-social care call-off contracts to additional suppliers that are listed on the ESPO 3S_22 framework on a case-by-case basis and following recommendation by the Council’s Work Force Board. The value of additional call-off contract(s) shall not exceed the value set out in recommendation 2.  


  1. Approve the Council entering into contracts with the contractors that are awarded contracts within recommendation 1, 2 and 3.