Issue - decisions

Draft Housing Strategy – KEY/3JUL23/04

15/01/2024 - Draft Housing Strategy – JAN24/CAB/74

Cabinet approved the DRAFT Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029, for consultation.


The purpose of this report is to provide Cabinet with an overview of the draft Housing Strategy 2024-29 and to seek approval for the document to begin a 6-week period of public consultation. On adoption, the Peterborough Housing Strategy will be a major policy for the Council. The draft sets out the Council’s priorities and commitments for the period 2024-2029 for a broad range of housing matters. The draft Housing Strategy will be widely consulted on to ensure that all stakeholders and partners have an opportunity to influence the final report.

A ‘do nothing’ option (where no new Housing Strategy is developed, and the existing Housing Strategy is not updated) was considered. However, such an approach would mean that Peterborough would have an out-of-date Strategy which did not reflect the significant changes to national housing and welfare policy and how we as a council plan to respond to them. A refresh of the Strategy was necessary to ensure that we have a fit for purpose Housing Strategy


The reason for the decision is that the existing Housing Strategy has now lapsed.