Issue - decisions

Locality Asset Review – KEY/3JUL23/02

14/11/2023 - Locality Asset Review Update - NOV23/CAB/58



1. Noted the Localities Asset Review report contained in the exempt Appendix1.


2. Agreed that Estates and Finance, following a period of engagement with the public, the operators of the sites as well as elected members, and dependant upon the outcome of that engagement, looks to dispose of those locality assets highlighted in the report as being potentially suitable as surplus to requirements and for repurposing up to a maximum disposal price of £500,000. This is subject to any final terms to be delegated to the Executive Director of Corporate Services and Director of Legal after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Property.


3. Noted that where any proposed sale of an asset is in excess of £500,000 it will be brought back to Cabinet for specific approval to dispose on a case by case basis.


4. Noted that, on a case by case basis, a proportion of the savings in revenue are ringfenced to be invested in the remaining assets to support the proposals in the report.


5. Noted that, on a case by case basis, a proportion of the Capital receipts may be ringfenced to fund the costs of sale, costs of relocation and repurposing of assets and investment into the retained portfolio.


6. Noted that Directors will report to Growth, Resources and Communities Scrutiny Committee in January with further details of the proposed Locality Asset Review recommendations and timings following further consultation.


7. Approved the Draft Community Asset Transfer Policy contained in Appendix 2.