Issue - decisions

Disposal of Office Building – KEY/22MAY/03

10/07/2023 - Disposal of Peterscourt, Eco Innovation Business Centre* - JUL23/CAB/21

Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:


1.     Approve the disposal of the freehold interest of Peterscourt, Eco Innovation Centre in the terms set out in the report and in the exempt Appendix 1 and the grant of necessary rights for the area of land shown on the attached Title Plan.

2.     Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services and Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Legal, Finance, and Corporate Services to take all necessary steps to facilitate the decision in recommendation 1 including approving the final terms of the disposal and entering into any necessary agreements.  

3.     Note that the CCTV service,which is currently located in the Peterscourt, Eco Innovation Centre will be relocated to an alternative Council owned property prior to the completion of the sale.