Issue - decisions

Making of Helpston Neighbourhood Development Plan Following Successful Referendum Outcome

14/11/2022 - Making of Helpston Neighbourhood Development Plan Following Successful Referendum Outcome - NOV22/CAB/46

Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:


1.    Notes the outcome of the Referendum on the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan, which took place on 15September 2022: the outcome being 277 votes in favour of the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan, versus 14 votes against the Neighbourhood Plan.?? 


2.    Recommends to Full Council that the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan, as set out at Appendix 1, be ‘made’ (which means to all intents and purposes ‘adopted’) and thereby form part of the Development Plan for Peterborough for the purpose of making decisions on relevant planning applications within the Helpston Neighbourhood Area (the Helpston Neighbourhood Area is the same area as Helpston Parish).?