Issue - decisions

Approval for contract to be awarded to Milestone to deliver construction of active travel schemes and for payment of C4 utility costs for Fengate Eastern Industries Access improvement scheme - KEY/7NOV22/03

14/11/2022 - Eastern Industries Access Improvement Scheme – Construction of Active Travel Schemes and Payment of C4 Utility Diversion Charges* - NOV22/CAB/45

Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:


1.    Approve the award of £550,424to Milestone Infrastructure Limited to deliver construction of active travel schemes and approve £315,000for payment of C4 Utility charges, all of which are part of the Eastern Industries access improvement scheme.  Approval is also requested to include £13,224 of remaining budgetthe CPCA has from the previous stage of the project. Approval is requested for a total of £878,648.