Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:
1. Approve the drawdown of up to £0.65m from the Transformation Fundfor funding resources during 2022/23 to support the Council to prepare for the changes arising from the Health and Care Act 2022;
2. Note and approve:
a) the unfolding requirements from the Health and Care Act 2022;
b) the likelihood of further resource requests will be part of future reports;
c) the expected full programme cost for Peterborough City Council of £1.95m over a 32-month period;
d) the potential programme joint costs could be lowered by from synchronised working with Cambridgeshire County Council;
e) any further government funding received about the implementation of these reforms will be applied to reducing future requests or replenishing the drawdown on Transformationmonies; and
f) the high-risk nature of the ASC Reforms.