Issue - decisions

Budget Monitoring Report Final Outturn 2019-20

22/06/2020 - Budget Monitoring Report Final Outturn 2019-20 - JUN20/CAB/04

Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:


1.    Note the final outturn position for 2019/20 (subject to finalisation of the statutory Statement of Accounts) of a £0.096m underspend on the Council’s revenue budget;

2.    Note the reserves position outlined in section 6 and Appendix B, which includes a contribution to the capacity building reserve of £0.096m, as a result of underspend in the revenue outturn report details contained in Appendix A to the report;

3.    Note the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Council’s financial position, as outlined within section 5 of the report and Appendix E to the report;

4.    Note the outturn spending of £64.3m in the Council’s capital programme in 2019/20 outlined in section 7 of the report;

5.    Note the performance against the prudential indicators outlined in Appendix C to the report;

6.    Note the performance on the payment of creditors, collection performance for debtors, local taxation and benefit overpayments outlined in Appendix D to the report.