Issue - decisions

Local Plan for adoption

17/06/2019 - Peterborough Local Plan and Development Plan Document (Version for Adoption) - JUN19/CAB/11

1.    That Cabinet noted the conclusions of the independent Inspector who was appointed to examine the council’s submitted Peterborough Local Plan.


2.   That Cabinet recommended to Council the adoption of the Peterborough Local Plan, incorporating modifications as recommended by the Inspector (‘Main Modifications’) and other minor editorial modifications (‘Additional Modifications’).


3.   That Cabinet noted that should Council adopt the Local Plan, the following council documents would be revoked and must not be used for decision making:


?     Core Strategy DPD (2011),

?     Site Allocations DPD (2012),

?     Planning Policies DPD (2012) and

?     City Centre DPD (2014).


4.   Subject to recommendation 2, that Cabinet recommended that Council endorses the updated ‘Policies Map’ in line with draft maps provided via this agenda report, in order to reflect the policies of the new Local Plan, and the deletion of policies from the above listed revoked documents.