Issue - decisions

Budget Proposals Second Tranche Recommendation

27/02/2017 - Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2017/18 - 2026/27 - FEB17/CAB/21

Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to note:


1)    The advice of the Chief Finance Officer per Schedule A, the continuing uncertainty of national public finances, and the risks surrounding forecasts and budget proposals;

2)    The feedback on the budget proposals from residents, staff and community groups detailed in Appendix A;

3)    The delayed Local Government 2017/18 Final Settlement, the advice given to Local authorities from LGA with regards to setting a budget without this information (Appendix B) and that an update would be given to Cabinet at the meeting; and

4)    The transport levy arrangements with the combined authority included in the budget.


Cabinet RECOMMENDED to Council:


5)    The draft Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18-2026/27 (including Phase two budget proposals), as set out in the attached Schedules which comprised of:

a. Report of the Chief Finance Officer,

b. Forecast Revenue Outturn 2016/17,

c. Budget Proposals, Key Figures & Cash Limits (including fees & charges proposals),

d. Treasury Strategy, Prudential Code & Minimum Revenue Provision,

e. Asset Investment Strategy, Acquisition Strategy, Capital Programme & Disposals 2017/18 – 2026/27,

f. Asset Management Plan, and


6)    A Social Care precept of 3% for 2017/18 and 3% in 2018/19, as well as the Council tax increase of 2% for 2017/18 and future years, already agreed as part of the 2016/17 budget strategy.