The Chief Executive presented a report to the Committee which detailed the outcomes of the consultation held in respect of proposals for the senior management structure – phase two. The report further advised of the action that the Chief Executive intended to take as a result of that consultation.
The report sought for the Committee to consider the changes to the senior management structure proposed by the Chief Executive and to recommend any appropriate actions in response to the proposals prior to implementation by the Chief Executive under her delegated powers.
The key points highlighted by the Chief Executive from the report and in response to questions included:
· Phase one of the restructure had brought together commissioning for adult social care, communities and public health, resulting in a £1million saving.
· The phase two consultation document had been sent to all directors, heads of service and assistant directors, as well as other managers who were affected by the proposals, and prior to the publication of the consultation document the Chief Executive had met personally with all those managers affected by the proposals on a one to one basis.
· Three director posts would be deleted, with the addition of a Corporate Director: People and Communities. This meant losing two posts with salaries of over £100,000.
· The client management relationships within the Council had matured and would be devolved to the appropriate services, with overall responsibility resting with Corporate Director: Growth. Subsequently, the role of Assistant Director Strategic Commission and Transformation was to be deleted.
· The role of Assistant Director: Digital Services would be created.
· The upcoming creation of the Limited Liability Partnership would require less resources than initially thought. As such, the Head of Growth and Regeneration would not be required and would be deleted under the restructure.
· The proposed change in job titles would bring Peterborough City Council in line with other Local Authorities across the country.
· To receive an independent view on whether the proposals would maintain the statutory responsibilities for Children’s Services the Independent Chair of the Peterborough Children’s Local Safeguarding Board conducted a review of the changes and found them to be satisfactory.
· Once the phase two restructure had been reviewed by the Committee, the recruitment process would begin.
The Committee discussed how academies would be dealt with under the new proposals and it was clarified that the current Assistant Director for Education, Resources and Corporate Property was responsible for academies. This would not be affected by the proposed restructure.
The Chief Executive advised that a number of consultation responses had been received, as well as other comments made during the individual discussions held with senior managers. The responses had been strongly supportive. It had been felt that that the Director of Public Health should be included in the Corporate Management Team and should report directly to the Chief Executive. This idea had been incorporated into the proposals.
A member of the Committee sought assurance that the Council could continue to function efficiently under the proposed structure. The Chief Executive advised the Committee that although the restructure would increase the responsibilities of individuals and the pressure on them, sufficient safeguards would be put in place. It was the view of those individuals affected that the changes would be positive and manageable.
The Committee discussed the briefing on the proposals received by Group Leaders. It was noted that the second phase of the senior management restructure would make savings of £500,000. This would add to the £1million saving, which resulted from the first phase of the restructure. The Committee believed that a correct balance had been achieved and that the next challenge would be to ensure the correct people took on the appropriate roles.
A motion was proposed and seconded to accept the senior management structure – phase two proposals as put forward for implementation by the Chief Executive under her delegated powers. This motion was carried unanimously.
RESOLVED that the Employment Committee considered the changes to the senior management structure – phase two proposed by the Chief Executive and did not recommend any specific actions in response to the proposals prior to implementation by the Chief Executive under her delegated powers.
Reasons for the decision:
The proposed changes were to ensure the Council operated within frameworks that were lawful, best practice, transparent and consistent.
Supporting documents: