Cabinet received a report which followed the consultation and feedback on the proposed recommendations on day opportunities for adults under 65. The consultation sought the views of service users, parents, carers, staff, providers and partners on the transformation of day opportunities and the report enabled Cabinet to consider both the responses to the city wide consultation and the amendment to the original proposals.
Councillor Holdich stated that he was the chairman of City College, however he had reviewed his position and taken legal advice and did not consider himself predetermined and was therefore able to talk and vote on the matter.
Councillor Fitzgerald introduced the report highlighting the main issues contained within. He provided an overview of the new model, namely for the City College Peterborough to manage the day opportunities, and advised that the model focused on increasing the support given to people in developing employment and independent living skills, whilst retaining care based services for those with the most complex needs.
Pat Carrington, Principal of the City College, addressed Cabinet and gave an overview as to why the new model was so innovative, the plans going forward and the expertise that the College could bring to the model. She further advised of the partners who would be involved in taking the model forward.
Cabinet debated the report and key points raised and responses to questions included:
· The Council continued to support Westcombe Industries and a number of other micro-industries such as Royce Rolls etc.
· The College would develop individual’s skills in order to give them more employability prospects. It was recognised however that not all individuals would be able to work;
· With regards to assisting to actively find work placements, the College worked with 250 employers across the city and the day opportunity centres also had contacts of their own; and
· There may be some changes to the service going forward, but these would be made in order to make further improvements.
Cabinet reviewed the feedback received from the consultation on the proposals and its amendments for the transformation and modernisation of day services for adults under 65 and RESOLVED:
To approve the proposed approach of day opportunities operating effectively and effectively under the new model, namely for the City College Peterborough to manage the day opportunities.
To enable consideration of both the responses to the recent city-wide consultation on the transformation of day opportunities and the amendment to the original proposals; and for consideration to be given as to how the findings would feed into the Councils spending plans for 2015/16.
A review of the current provision of day opportunities for people with learning and physical disabilities provided by the Council had been commissioned to understand if they were best meeting people’s needs or could be improved.
A number of alternative delivery models had been considered in providing an alternative to the service currently provided and the continuation of in-house services was not considered a viable option for a number of reasons.
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