Agenda item

Update on the Cardiovascular Disease Priority Work Programme

The Board is requested to note the report and agree the recommendations as outlined within the report.


The Board received a report which provided information on early thinking in mapping the relationship between the existing programme to reduce inequalities in coronary heart disease (CHD) and a wider strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD). It identified synergies and opportunities for further development of a clinically focused programme to address the Healthcare and Rehabilitation/Reablement work stream previously agreed as one on the three thematic work streams by the Health and Wellbeing Programme Board. 


It further proposed scoping the establishment of a healthcare and rehabilitation/reablement work stream group with the membership of relevant stakeholders to achieve clinical engagement and ownership of this theme of the cardiovascular programme.


The Head of Health Strategy introduced the report and key points highlighted included:


·         A partnership workshop had been held in July 2014 which mapped out the ‘House of Care Model’ and to use the Model as a way forward for prioritising cardiovascular work locally. This had been followed up by a submission to the British Heart Foundation for funding over the forthcoming two years to the value of £200k to establish the ‘House of Care’ Model in priority areas;

·         A decision was expected on the bid towards November 2014, there being 11 other applicants. If shortlisted, local visits would be in October 2014;

·         Work was also being undertaken with the central funding unit for submitting an application within the forthcoming week for European funding for home technologies, the value being approximately £80,000-100,000;

·         Following on from the workshop, and also following consideration at the Programme Board, three work streams had been identified. Leads had been considered and work would be taken forward; and

·         Communications would be prioritised around cardiovascular work in order to target diverse communities.


Members debated the report and comments and responses to questions included:

·         The approach to communications was to ‘piggy back’ on top of other events e.g. ‘Stoptober’, which could be used to promote health priorities. Focussed campaign work would also be undertaken around schools and work places etc.;

·         The agreement to focus on two key areas CVD and Children’s Health showed that the Board was moving forward. The relevance of the issues were confirmed by the Board;

·         A factor identified through the workshop was the percentage of preventable CVD, this being just over 60%;

·         A focus on preventative work would be on tobacco control, physical inactivity and blood pressure. It was hoped that focusing on these measures could prevent and address diseases in the early stages;

·         A key aspect was to recognise that the population and audiences were different, and general campaigns had no relevance to certain individuals. Messages needed to be adapted to the relevant targets;

·         There were a range of activities taking place in schools and the Programme Board had been supportive of the development of a Peterborough Healthy Schools Programme, largely based on the Healthy Schools London Programme;

·         Work was being undertaken to expand the number of hyper clinics, which were young people’s school based health and advice clinics;

·         Work was also being undertaken with the school nursing service to grow the hyper clinics to make sure they covered the public health priorities identified across the Health and Wellbeing Board; and

·         In addition, smoking cessation services were provided within schools and also in pupil referral centres and there was a young person’s lead in the Public Health Team. There were a vast array of routes into the pathway.



The Board:


1.   Noted the progress report and recommendations made to the Health and Wellbeing  Programme Board on 19th September;  

2.   Commented on  the proposed elements the cardiovascular disease strategy identified in the mapping of the coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease programmes;

3.   Suported the proposal that Public Health lead the establishment of a clinically focused group to develop the Healthcare and Rehabilitation/Reablement work stream; and

4.   Noted the proposal to use PHOF, NHSOF and ASCOF indicators to monitor the outcomes of the three thematic work streams.



Supporting documents: