Peterborough Health & Well Being Board has been established to
provide a strategic leadership forum focussed on securing and
improving the health and well being of Peterborough
aims are:
To bring together the leaders of health and social
care commissioners to develop common and shared approaches to
improving the health and well being of the community
To actively promote partnership working across
health and social care in order to further improved health and well
being of residents.
To influence commissioning strategies based on the
evidence of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
functions are:
To develop a Health and Well Being Strategy for the
City which informs and influences the commissioning plans of
partner agencies.
To develop a shared understanding of the needs of
the community through developing and keeping under review the Joint
Strategic Needs Assessment and to use this intelligence to refresh
the Health & Well Being Strategy.
To keep under review the delivery of the designated
public health functions and their contribution to improving health
and well being and tackling health inequalities
To consider the recommendations of the Director of
Public Health in their Annual Public Health report.
To consider options and opportunities for the joint
commissioning of health and social care services for children,
families and adults in Peterborough to meet identified needs (based
on the findings of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) and to
consider any relevant plans and strategies regarding joint
commissioning of health and social care services for children and
To identify areas where joined up or integrated
commissioning, including the establishment of pooled budget
arrangements would benefit improving health and wellbeing and
reducing health inequalities.
By establishing sub groups as appropriate give
consideration to areas of joint health and social care
commissioning, including but not restricted to services for people
with learning disabilities.
To oversee the development of Local HealthWatch for Peterborough and to ensure that
they can operate effectively to support health and well being on
behalf of users of health and social care services.
To keep under consideration, the financial and
organisational implications of joint and integrated working across
health and social care services, and to make recommendations for
ensuring that performance and quality standards for health and
social care services to children, families and adults are met and
represent value for money across the whole system.
To ensure effective working between the Board and
the Greater Peterborough Partnership ensuring added value and an
avoidance of duplication.
Terms of reference for the Committee can be found
Health and Wellbeing Board