
Extraordinary, Constitution and Ethics Committee - Thursday 16th January, 2025 6.00 pm, CANCELLED

Venue: Engine Shed, Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, PE2 8AP

Contact: Karen S Dunleavy; Democratic Services Officer, Email,, Tel: 01733 452233 

Note: Extraordinary Meeting 

No. Item




Exclusion of Press and Public

To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item (Clarification of Delegation of Power) during consideration of the report, on the grounds that the Appendix contains exempt information under Paragraph 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, and that it would not be in the public interest for this information to be disclosed (Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings).


Clarification of delegated powers

The meeting has been convened to consider the clarification of delegated powers and the report will follow in due course.