Agenda, decisions and minutes

Confirmation Hearing, Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel - Monday 6th November, 2023 10.30 am

Venue: Bourges Room - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Email:, 01733 452277 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Edward Leigh, Councillors Dennis Jones and Bryan Tyler.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Thittala Varkey declared that he was a criminal defence duty solicitor.


Proposed Appointment of the Chief Finance Officer - Confirmation Hearing pdf icon PDF 243 KB


The Panel received the report of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire in respect of the proposed Chief Finance Officer appointment which in accordance with the requirements of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, Schedule 1, Paragraph 6, provided details of:


  • The name of the person whom the commissioner is proposing to appoint (“the candidate”);
  • The criteria used to assess the suitability of the candidate for the appointment;
  • Why the candidate satisfied those criteria; and
  • The terms and conditions on which the candidate is to be appointed.


The Chair welcomed Philip Trussell at the Confirmation Hearing, the proposed candidate for the position of Chief Finance Officer at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.  She advised Mr Trussell on the procedure for the Hearing. This would involve Panel members asking questions to Mr Trussell to obtain information on how he would meet the criteria for the Chief Finance Officer post and his suitability for the role.  Mr Trussell would also be given the opportunity to ask questions of the Panel on the Confirmation Hearing process.


The Chair advised those present that in accordance with Part 1 of schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, following the conclusion of the questions being asked by the Panel or Mr Trussell, it was proposed that the Panel would deliberate in private session to determine a recommendation to the Commissioner on whether to approve or refuse the appointment.  With the Panel’s consent, the press and public would be excluded from those deliberations as there would be specific discussion regarding the suitability of the candidate for the role.


The Chair stated that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner would be advised of the Panel’s recommendation by the following day. It would be for the Commissioner to decide whether to accept or reject the Panel’s recommendation. The Panel’s recommendation would be published onto the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel website within five working days.


A focus of the Panel Members in asking questions of the candidate was to assure themselves of his professional competence and personal independence for the role.  At the conclusion of the Panel’s questions and responses from Mr Trussell the Chair thanked Philip Trussell for attending the hearing.



CFO Appointment Report pdf icon PDF 339 KB

Additional documents:






Cambridgeshire Police

and Crime Panel



Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel

c/o Legal and Governance

Town Hall







Darryl Preston

Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner

P O Box 688

PE29 9LA





6 November 2023

Dear Commissioner


Confirmation Hearing outcome


I am writing to inform you of the outcome of the Confirmation Hearing to consider the appointment of Philip Trussell to the position of Chief Finance Officer in accordance with Schedule 1 of Paragraph 5 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. 


The hearing was held at 10:30am on Monday 6 November 2023 at the Town Hall, Bridge Street, Peterborough. 


The recommendation from the Police and Crime Panel is that the appointment of Philip Trussell is approved.


A report giving a summary of this decision is attached.


Yours sincerely


Claire George


Claire George

Chairman Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel









Cambridgeshire Police

and Crime Panel



Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel

c/o Legal and Governance

Town Hall







Darryl Preston

Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner

P O Box 688

PE29 9LA





6 November 2023

Dear Commissioner


Confirmation Hearing outcome


I am writing to inform you of the outcome of the Confirmation Hearing to consider the appointment of Philip Trussell to the position of Chief Finance Officer in accordance with Schedule 1 of Paragraph 5 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. 


The hearing was held at 10:30am on Monday 6 November 2023 at the Town Hall, Bridge Street, Peterborough. 


The recommendation from the Police and Crime Panel is that the appointment of Philip Trussell is approved.


A report giving a summary of this decision is attached.


Yours sincerely


Claire George


Claire George

Chairman Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel







Local Government Act 1972 - Exclusion of the Public


It was agreed under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the remainder of the meeting on the ground that consideration of the item of business was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A, Access to Information: Exempt Information to the Act (as amended).


The Panel RESOLVED that they would go into private session to deliberate and determine a recommendation to the Commissioner in respect of the proposed candidate for the position of Chief Finance Officer.



To deliberate upon the Proposed Appointment of Chief Finance Officer and Determine the Panel's Recommendation to the Commissioner in respect of the proposed appointment


At this point the press and public were excluded from the meeting room. During private session the Panel discussed the responses given by Mr Trussell to the Panel’s questions and considered his eligibility for the position of Chief Finance Officer.


The Panel determined that it was clear that at the Confirmation Hearing Mr Trussell satisfied the requirements of the Chief Finance Officer post, understood the budgetary constraints within the role and the need for good financial management and planning.  Mr Trussell was suitably qualified, including being a professionally qualified accountant and had significant experience of senior positions and providing advice to chief officers in his previous employment which were appropriate for the new role.


Whilst the Panel had confidence that Mr Trussell would be able to transfer his skills and experience so that he would be effective as the Commissioner’s Section 151 Officer, Members noted that Mr Trussell was employed previously at a water company.  The Panel therefore recommended that he was provided with a robust training programme that was relevant to this role at the commencement of his employment.


The Chair thanked the Panel Members for their contribution to the Confirmation Hearing and Officers in attendance for their support to the Panel.