Agenda and minutes

Neighbourhood Committee (N&W3) - Peterborough West Neighbourhood Committee - Wednesday 29th September, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Assembly Hall - Jack Hunt School. View directions

Contact: Alex Daynes Tel: 01733 452447  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies from members unable to attend the meeting


Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any personal/personal prejudicial interests in any items on this agenda


Minutes from the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30 June 2010.


Local Transport Plan

Discussion on The third Peterborough Local Transport Plan (LTP3) which is being developed within the context of the future planned growth of Peterborough. The new Local Transport Plan will run for a five year period and will be reviewed regularly to adjust, as necessary, to any changes in political and economic situation, and otherwise monitored to ensure value for money and the best return on investment.


Census 2011


Site Allocations Document pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Discussion on the Site Allocation Document and Neighbourhood Council being asked to indicate support or objection to the proposals.


Neighbourhood Council Budget


Open Session

An opportunity for any member of the public, elected and co-opted members of the Neighbourhood Council to raise anything that affects your area and to suggest items for future meetings and the annual work programme. 


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 20 December at venue TBC.