Agenda and minutes

Neighbourhood Committee (S2) - Ortons with Hampton Neighbourhood Committee - Tuesday 27th September, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: School Hall - Matley - Matley Primary School. View directions

Contact: Alex Daynes Tel: 01733 452447 Email: 

Note: This Neighbourhood Committeel meeting will also include a display by Cross Keys Homes regarding the improvement works at the Herlington Centre and will be preceded by the Ward Forum at 6pm. 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies from members unable to attend the meeting


Apologies were received from Councillor Scott.


Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any personal/personal prejudicial interests in any items on this agenda


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes from the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 339 KB

Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2011


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2011 were approved as a true and accurate record.


Issues arising from previous meeting


The Neighbourhood Manager advised the Committee that feedback on the matters arising was detailed within the updated documents which had been made available on the tables at the meeting.



Youth Forum

Presentation from the Youth Forum on a project to create a new Skate Park on Hampton


Members received a presentation from the Youth Forum on the project to create a new Skate Park in Hampton.

The Youth Forum had been investigating possible sites that could be used and support for the project was being sought from local businesses and Parish Councillors.


  • In a question asked regarding what considerations had been given to minimise the noise impact from the skate park, a representative of the Youth Forum advised that consideration was being given to minimise noise pollution to the neighbouring areas and various options such as surface, type of facility and placement of the skate park had been captured within the project scope.


  • Members commented that there had been a significant reduction in anti social behaviour across the city where skate parks had been introduced.  Members also commented that there were no activity facilities for young people within Hampton and that a permanent facility would be a valuable fixture for young people within the community. 


The Neighbourhood Manager advised that the Council were working with the team and that the Council had secured just under £12,000    of Section 106 money to contribute towards the project and that work was underway to investigate further funding options.


It was agreed that due to technical difficulties, the video presentation due to be given to the Committee would be carried over to the next scheduled meeting. Copies would also be made available of the hard copy plans that the young people had developed.



Matters For Committee Decision pdf icon PDF 65 KB


a)      Annual Budget


Opportunity to agree the project proposals for the allocation of the annual budget.



a)    Annual Budget

Members were given the opportunity to agree project proposals for the allocation of the annual budget for the Ortons with Hampton Neighbourhood Committee budget.

The funding amount totalled £25,000 and the recommendations were as follows:

·        Installation of cycle racks and block paving at the Herlington Centre; and

·        Introduction of measures to prevent parking on verges

Members of the public were invited to discuss the recommendation between themselves and with Councillors.  

Members made comments on the following:

·        Empty shops within the Herlington area and whether consideration could be given to allow the community to use them;

·        Pavements within Serpentine Green that would benefit from improvements;

·        More detail was required on how the parking on grass verges would be tackled; and

·        That consideration should be given for future proposals to provide funding for extra lighting for the Herlington Centre which was susceptible to antisocial behaviour.

Members sought clarification over the following points:

·        Whether the Neighbourhood Committee funding could be used to improve the landscape in problem areas to prevent parking on verges?  The Neighbourhood Manager advised Members that the Neighbourhood Committee funding could only be used for capital expenditure, which may not cover the planting of shrubs and would also have implications for revenue funding in the future. The only improvements that could be made would be for items such as fencing or bollards to be installed.

·        Why Goldhay Way and Silver Hill were the only two areas that had been given consideration for Neighbourhood Committee funding?  Councillor Allen advised that various areas had been investigated, however, after evaluation, Silver Hill and Goldhay Way had been given the highest priority and other areas would be improved at a later date.

·        Whether some legislation could be sought to enable Officers to enforce the removal of cars or impose fines to car drivers that insist on parking on the grass verges? The Neighbourhood Manager advised Members that alternative legislation was being considered and that the Neighbourhoods Team were investigating how this new legislation could be utilised.


Resolved: That the funding allocation was agreed by Members as follows:

·        Installation of cycle racks and block paving at the Herlington Centre; and

·        Introduction of measures to prevent parking on verges.


Updates on Matters of Interest Relevant to the Committee

a)      Live Healthy, Live Green


Presentation from NHS Peterborough to promote the Live Health,  Live Green campaign & the Pledges in all areas of the city



a)    Live Healthy, Live Green

Members received a presentation from the Project Officer, Peterborough Environment City Trust, which sought to promote the Live Healthy, Live Green campaign across Peterborough and further sought the cooperation of local residents within all areas of the city to sign pledges.

The following points within the presentation were given consideration:

·        Health lifestyle changes that individuals could make;

·        Environmental lifestyle changes to combat climate change;

·        Ideas on how to make a commitment to change lifestyles; and

·        Personal Pledge Cards.

In a question asked by a member of public, the Project Officer, Peterborough Environment City Trust confirmed that Vivacity, Community Work, Cross Keys and Children Centres had all been approached to present the Live Healthy, Live Green Event.



Open Session

An opportunity for any member of the public, elected and co-opted members of the Neighbourhood Committee to raise anything that affects your area and to suggest items for future meetings


Audience members were given the opportunity to ask questions and raise issues affecting the area they lived in.  These included:

St George’s Hydrotherapy Pool

Members were approached to offer support in the up keep of the hydrotherapy pool at the St George’s Centre in Dogsthorpe.  Councillor Allen advised that all ward Councillors had offered their support to the cause and that further support would be put forward for consideration.

Councillor Seaton, Cabinet Member for Resources added that he had been involved in the development of a business case for the running of St George’s hydrotherapy pool, and was working together with Peterborough City Council and the Primary Care Trust in order to obtain further funding.

Parking in Matley

A member of the public asked a question about parking within the Matley area and stated that, development which was proposed for the area, would add to the issues already faced around congestion.  Given these issues, what initiatives would be put into place to encourage people to walk to school instead of using their cars?  Councillor Allen confirmed that the issues regarding parking on grass verges were in hand and that there would be updates reported back through the future meetings of Neighbourhood Committees for Ortons with Hampton.

Councillor Allen reminded all residents about the ward forum sessions that were available before the start of every Ortons with Hampton Neighbourhood Committee and that anyone wishing to raise ward issues should do so at the ward sessions.


A member of public asked if there was any information available with regards to caravans parking opposite Dobbies Garden Centre? Councillor Allen advised that this question should be raised at a future ward forum session.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 13th December at Hampton Vale Community Centre


The Chairman advised that the next meeting of the Ortons with Hampton Neighbourhood Committee would take place on 13 December 2011 at Hampton Vale Community Centre.