Agenda and minutes

Neighbourhood Committee (C&E1) - Central and North Neighbourhood Committee - Thursday 16th June, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Main Sports Hall - Gladstone Park Community Centre. View directions

Contact: Alex Daynes Tel: 01733 452447 Email: 

Note: Prior to the start of the meeting, from 6.00pm, ward forums will be held for the Central and North wards. These separate meetings will give local residents the opportunity to talk directly with their elected members to raise any issues or concerns they have in their neighbourhood. 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies from members unable to attend the meeting


Apologies were received from Councillor Sharp.



Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any personal/personal prejudicial interests in any items on this agenda


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes from the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2011


The minutes from the previous meeting held 07 March 2011 were agreed as a true and accurate record.


Matters Arising


In a response to a question raised by Councillor Khan, the Neighbourhood Manager advised that all matters arising had been covered on the feedback sheet with regard to the traffic improvements made to the Maskew Avenue parking facilities for the retail park.  The Neighbourhood Manager confirmed that a barrier had been placed at the entrance to the car park reducing the traffic issues that existed.


A member of the public sought confirmation on the item raised regarding Gladstone Park Community Centre.  Councillor Khan declared an interest in the item and advised that improvement plans were being investigated and a feasibility study was underway.  Councillor Khan would provide an update at the next Neighbourhood Committee meeting.


In a question raised about the post of Hate Crime Coordinator, Adrian Chapman advised that a grant had been made to Peterborough Racial Equality Council and an update would be available at the next Neighbourhood Committee meeting.


In a response to a question raised about the closure of the toilet facility in Occupation Road, the Neighbourhood Manager advised that Peterborough City Council had declared that the toilets were surplus to requirements and that Peterborough Enterprise had been approached to offer the option to take ownership in supervising the facility; no interested had been received to date.



Election of Vice Chairman

To elect a vice-chairman for the 2011-12 year


Nominations were received for Councillor Khan


Following nominations for the role of Vice Chairman, Councillor Khan was nominated and seconded.  Councillor Khan was duly elected as Vice Chairman of the Central and North Ward Neighbourhood Committee.



Open Session

An opportunity for any member of the public, elected and co-opted members of the Neighbourhood Committee to raise anything that affects your area and to suggest items for future meetings and the annual work programme. 


A member of the public requested an update on the progress of funding for the Gladstone Neighbourhood Investment Plan as the proposals put forward had ground to a halt.  Councillor Peach advised that there had been some investment in past years to reduced accidents and contribute to other initiatives.


The Neighbourhood Manager updated that the Neighbourhoods team was working closely with Members to contribute to the work for the Neighbourhood Investment Plan and that some of the stronger recommendations had been implemented.  Progress for the plan was to concentrate on minor issues; support would be provided by the Planning Department to tackle the larger issues.


Cllr Khan commented that there was a lack of progress for the Neighbourhood Community Action Plan and that the Cabinet should be approached to take ownership for the outstanding actions and put them into force.  Cllr Peach would highlight the issues raised with Cllr Walsh.


Following a question raised by a member of the public, the Neighbourhood Manager advised that the Neighbourhood Team was working on updating the old version of the Community Action Plan using the old documentation, recent consultations had been conducted in conjunction with the Localism Bill agenda.


A member of the public from Mill Street raised a question regarding the public toilets and the Road Safety Programme.  The Neighbourhood Manager advised that plans to re-open the toilets would not be included in the plans for the programme.


In a question raised by a member of public regarding the budget allocation, would improvements previously suggested in the Community Action Plan be carried forward to the following year’s budgets?  The Neighbourhood Manager advised that if there was a recommendation made as part of the suggested improvements, the Neighbourhood Team would be in regular dialogue with Heads of Service to access the funding.


A member of the public raised a concern over improvements put forward at a previous Neighbourhood Committee meeting for Bourges Boulevard and that there had been no action to date.  Cllr Peach advised that details should be left with the Neighbourhood Manger to follow up.


In a question raised by a member of public about responsibility for road access to the Lincoln road flat developments, the Neighbourhood Manager advised that feedback would be provided a the next Neighbourhood Committee meeting.


A member of the public raised concerns regarding the anti social behaviour which was happening in car parks across the Central Ward area.  The issue had been raised with Peterborough City Council and requests for fencing, lighting and individual car parking bays had been submitted.  The Director for Operations advised that he was in receipt of a list detailing the requests and that consideration would be given on what improvements could be made in the car parks highlighted.


A member of public commented with regard to the engagement of women and young people wishing to discuss community issues and their lack of attendance at Neighbourhood Committee meetings. The Director for Operations advised that a list of contact details of the groups  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Update on Local Police Operation

A presentation from the police to update on important local operations


The Chief Inspector of Cambridgeshire Constabulary gave an update on work conducted over the last two years in line with the drug strategy and the impact of operations across Peterborough, which had involved the following:


·        work on drug prevention;

·        talking drug dealers;

·        working with Karen Kibblewhite;

·        Police and Partners working together to gather  intelligence on drug dealers;

·        Operation Riptide; and

·        working with the community to gather information on drug dealers.


During discussions the following comments and observations were made:


  • A member of the public raised a question regarding the provision of extra Police Community Officer patrols needed around the areas that drug users regularly gathered.  The Sector Inspector with Cambridgeshire Constabulary advised that the Police Authority was looking into providing extra resources for more patrols to reduce anti social behaviour. 


  • A member of the public raised a question regarding what actions residents should take if they witnessed drug dealing from cars.  The Chief Inspector advised that the registration details of the car should be written down and directed to the Police.


  • Cllr Khan raised a question regarding the recent drug raid operation (Operation Riptide) and if there would be a review of the licences for the premises which had been identified in the raids? The Sector Inspector advised that the Police were working with Peterborough City Council to review the licensed premises highlighted following the raid.


It was agreed that the Sector Inspector would provide an update at the next Neighbourhood Committee meeting.


A member of the public raised a question regarding the Designated Public Places Order introduced in the City Centre and whether it was possible to extend the restrictions to the Central Ward areas.    Paul Phillipson advised that a review was being conducted and that all Ward Members had been contacted across the city to highlight problem areas with a view to introducing Designated Public Places Orders.



Consultation for review of Primary Care and Urgent Care Facilities in Peterborough

Presentation with question and answer opportunity to share your views on proposals for local facilities


The Interim Director for Primary Care for NHS Peterborough gave a presentation on the review of surgery services currently being conducted to assess the provision for doctors’ surgeries and urgent care needs for the community and for the growing population.  It was expected that the population in the area would grow by twenty thousand within the next five years.  Current service provision was complex and difficult for patients to access.


The consultation focused on the review of services provided in the following areas:


·        North Street;

·        Lincoln Road;

·        Thorpe Road;

·        Burmor Road;

·        Alma Road; and

·        Minor cases being dealt with by the Accidents and Emergencies department at the City Hospital.


During discussions the following comments and observations were made:


·                                       A member of public sought clarification of what a lifetime contract awarded to GP surgeries meant.  The Interim Director for Primary Care advised that there were national General Medical Services, Personal Medical Services contracts and five year contracts with Alternative Provider Medical Services contractors.  The practices would be held to account and a performance management process would be applied if surgeries were not achieving the appropriate standards.


·                                       A member of the public raised a question regarding what would happen if there was a case where a surgery had a lifetime contract, but was found to be not fit for purpose; was an alternative found for them not to close down?  Doctor Caskey, GP for Park, advised that within the last five years, three practices had been closed down or re-managed due to poor performance.  Contracts were reviewed every year by the PCT and potentially the contract could be altered, and often was, to bring the service into line.


·                                       A member of the public raised a question regarding why Alma Road, Lincoln Road and other surgeries were closing down because they were not fit for purpose and why money was being invested in another new facility? Could the money be invested in Alma Road surgery to ensure that money is invested in the right facility? Dr Caskey advised that the comments would be taken back from this session and that there was no proposal to invest in 63 Lincoln road and that surgeries including North Street would be reviewed with a view to finding a better and more balanced service.  There was a lot of confusion for patients with regard to the choice of services available to them using the current system.


·                                       A member of the public expressed a view that there was a cluster of surgeries in the city centre offering services, but if Peterborough was being reviewed as a whole then there would be a need to address the surgeries that did not have the right facilities.  The reason that this had not been addressed was because of the surgeries which held the lifetime contracts and the ability to close them down.  Could consideration be given to provide a service in each area rather than having them clustered in one area?


·                                       Cllr Peach added that the PCT proposals  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 20th September 2011

 At Town Hall Reception Room (tbc)



The next meeting of the Central & North Neighbourhood Committee to be held on Monday 20 September 2011.